20) Forms W-2 for wages
19) Forms 1099-INT for bank interest
18) Forms 1099-DIV for dividends
17) Forms 1099-G for unemployment compensation
16) Forms 1099-G for state tax refunds
15) Forms 1098-E for student loan interest paid
14) Forms 1099-MISC for self employment income
13) Information regarding gambling winnings and losses
12) Form 1098 Mortgage and Real estate tax information
11) HUD-1 Settlement Statement for new home purchase or refinance
10) Tuition & fees paid for higher education expenses
9) Childcare information (name, address, tax ID of provider & amount paid)
8) Cost basis (original amount paid for stocks, bonds or mutual funds sold
7) Amounts donated to charity (cash and personal property)***
6) Excise tax paid for cars, trucks, , trailers, boats, motorcycles, etc.
5) Union Dues, tools, uniforms & other employment related expenses
4) Mileage log for car & truck expenses
3) Social security card for dependents
2) Bank information for direct deposit or direct debit
1) A check to pay the taxman (note that all outstanding balances are subject to an 18% interest charge).
***NEW***Note that for ALL donations of property (other than cash) you will need the date of the donation, name and address of the charity, value, and an itemized list of the items with the date acquired and cost.
This message brought to you by: Cormier & Rea, Inc. Sturbridge MA. Providers of Income tax planning and preparation and financial planning. For more information about this or any other issues regarding income tax planning or preparation or financial planning, feel free to contact us. Like Cormier & Rea, Inc. on Facebook for timely updates.