Caution, communications are being sent to taxpayers with outstanding tax liens from those who may have criminal intent. Although these notices show amounts from actual tax liens, they are not from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. Any notice from the MA Department of Revenue would be clearly marked as being issued by the agency and would not suggest a settlement amount, as many of these questionable notices do.
Taxpayers have alerted DOR, the Attorney General’s Office and the Office of Consumer Affairs about the issue. The liens mentioned in the letters are real but the letters are not from the Department of Revenue or any other government agency.
We have posted a warning on the DOR website with samples of some of the notices we received from taxpayers. If a client receives a similar notice, please tell them to call DOR at 617-887-MDOR (6367) and learn the facts about what is owed and the options for resolving the situation.
This message brought to you by: Cormier & Rea, Inc. Sturbridge MA. Providers of Income tax planning and preparation and financial planning. For more information about this or any other issues regarding income tax planning or preparation or financial planning, feel free to contact us. Like Cormier & Rea, Inc. on Facebook for timely updates.