From Lenny's Desk
The Sturbridge Taxman's Blog

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Cormier & Rea announce additional office at 483 Summer St, Ste 2000, Arlington, MA

Proposed Regulations Offer Guidelines for New State-Sponsored ABLE Accounts for People with Disabilities

IRS recently issued a News Release announcing Proposed Regulations that Offer Guidelines for New State-Sponsored ABLE Accounts for People with Disabilities. The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act recognizes the special financial burdens faced by families raising children with disabilities. ABLE accounts are designed to enable people with disabilities and their families to save for and pay for disability-related expenses. It also permits a state to establish and maintain a new type of tax-advantaged savings program (under Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code) for a qualified disabled person. The news provides additional links to the Proposed Regulations, Federal Register, new web page with two new draft forms; 1099-QA for distributions and 5498-QA for contributions.

This message brought to you by: Cormier & Rea, Inc. Sturbridge MA. Providers of Income tax planning and preparation and financial planning. For more information about this or any other issues regarding income tax planning or preparation or financial planning, feel free to contact us. Like Cormier & Rea, Inc. on Facebook for timely updates.