All webinars:
- Free
- Less than an hour long
- Begin at the following times: 2:00 p.m. Eastern; 1:00 p.m. Central; Noon Mountain; 11:00 a.m. Pacific
- End with a live Q&A segment with IRS subject matter experts
- Do not offer continuing education credits for viewing
Check them out:
- Tax Tips for your New Business
Monday May 2
Topics include:
- Is it a business or hobby?
- Selecting a business structure
- Understanding business taxes
- Recordkeeping requirements
- How to choose a tax preparer
- Where to go for IRS help
- Staying Afloat: Planning for Emergencies Before they Happen
Tuesday May 3
Topics include:
- Business continuity planning
- How to create an emergency plan
- Employee preparedness
- Payroll continuity and supply chain protection
- Protecting your records and data
- What happens after an emergency is declared
- IRS resources to help you plan
- Worker Classification: Employee or Independent Contractor?
(Webinar in Spanish; Este seminario será transmitido en español.)
Wednesday May 4
Topics include:
- Difference between an employee and independent contractor
- Common law rules
- Form SS-8
- Employment tax obligations
- Voluntary Classification Settlement Program
- Tip Reporting and Tips vs. Service Charges
Thursday May 5
Topics include:
- Tip recordkeeping and reporting responsibilities for both employers and employees
- Understanding the difference between tips and service charges
- How and when to file Form 8027 – Employer’s Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips
Stay in-the-know on the go! View IRS webinars on smartphones and tablets.
Find these events archived on about three weeks after they air.
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Small Business/Self-Employed
See what you can learn today — or if today’s not good for you, then tomorrow — take advantage of the IRS Video Portal
This message brought to you by: Cormier & Rea, Inc. Sturbridge MA. Providers of Income tax planning and preparation and financial planning. For more information about this or any other issues regarding income tax planning or preparation or financial planning, feel free to contact us. Like Cormier & Rea, Inc. on Facebook for timely updates.