Cormier & Rea announce additional office at 483 Summer St, Ste 2000, Arlington, MA

Renewed work opportunity tax credit can help employers hire workers

With many businesses facing a tight job market, the IRS reminds employers to check out the work opportunity tax credit. Resent legislation extended this credit through the end of 2025.This long-standing tax benefit encourages employers to hire workers certified as members of any of ten targeted groups facing barriers to employment. With millions of people …

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Here are some key reminders for extension filers

October 15 is fast approaching. That’s the last day to file for most people who requested an extension for their 2020 tax return. These taxpayers can file any time on or before Friday, October 15 if they have all their required tax-related documents. They should also pay part or all their taxes since amounts owed …

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IRS resources to help small business employers understand and meet their tax responsibilities

This is National Small Business Week. The IRS acknowledges that small business employers have unique tax responsibilities, and they make valuable contributions to the economy. The agency has a variety of information and resources to help employers understand and meet these unique tax responsibilities. Most of these resources are available anytime at to the …

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IRS recognizes Small Business Week: Resources available to help employers

During National Small Business Week, the Internal Revenue Service wants small business owners to know that information and resources to help them understand and meet their tax obligations are available free at businesses play a pivotal role in our nation’s economy. The IRS has a variety of resources available to help employers meet their …

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