Cormier & Rea announce additional office at 483 Summer St, Ste 2000, Arlington, MA

Employers should choose their payroll service provider carefully to protect against fraud

When hiring a company to handle payroll and payroll tax, employers should carefully choose their payroll service provider. This can help a business avoid missed deposits for employment taxes and other unpaid bills. Most of these businesses provide quality service but there are some who don’t have their clients’ best interests in mind. Each year, …

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A tip for teachers

The educator expense deduction allows eligible teachers and administrators to deduct part of the cost of technology, supplies and training from their taxes. They can only claim this deduction for expenses that were not reimbursed by their employer, a grant or other source. Who is an eligible educator: The taxpayer must be a kindergarten through …

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Employers should choose their payroll service provider carefully to protect against fraud

When hiring a company to handle payroll and payroll tax, employers should carefully choose their payroll service provider. This can help a business avoid missed deposits for employment taxes and other unpaid bills. Most of these businesses provide quality service but there are some who don’t have their clients’ best interests in mind. Each year, …

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Things people do during the summer that might affect their tax return next year

It’s summertime and for many people, summertime means change. Whether it’s a life change or a typical summer event, it could affect incomes taxes. Here are a few summertime activities and tips on how taxpayers should consider them during filing season. Getting marriedNewlyweds should report any name change to the Social Security Administration. They should …

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