Cormier & Rea announce additional office at 483 Summer St, Ste 2000, Arlington, MA

Can I deduct my Medical Expenses

The Internal Revenue Service lets you deduct medical costs as long as they are more than 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. Do not include insurance reimbursements in your total. For a rough mid-year estimate of whether you may meet this or not, subtract $16,000.00 ($8000.00 if single) from your prior year gross income …

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Check out the NEW Taxtips Newsletters

Tax Tips client newsletters are a new feature provided on the web-site. They will be updated twice yearly. The summer edition includes timely topics to help you make informed decisions relevant to your tax situation. The winter edition includes all the latest tax law changes so you can prepare for the upcoming tax season and …

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Hybrid Cars & Alternative Motor Vehicles

If you are thinking about purchasing a new fuel efficient motor vehicle, you may want to visit the IRS web-site for a listing of vehicles eligible for the clean fuel credit. The web-site has been and should be updated regularly. Visit :,,id=157632,00.html

2007 Ford and Mercury Vehicles Certified for the Energy Tax Credit

The IRS has acknowledged the certification by Ford Motor Company that several of its 2007 vehicles qualify for the alternative motor vehicle credit created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The tax credit for hybrid vehicles applies to vehicles purchased on or after January 1, 2006. The hybrid vehicle certifications and their credit amounts …

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